Healthy Habits Bingo

Wellness Tools & Resources

Your reference site for when you want to get ideas for some fun family cooking, or you want to introduce new healthy habits into your family's life.

Stay healthy during the holidays #activefamily #eatinghabits #familymeals #familytime #familywellness #healthyeating #healthyholidays #kidshealthyeatinghabits #kidsnutrition Dec 23, 2024


From our team: What are your favorite holiday food or food memories?

  • Christiane: Dad’s homemade raviolis for Christmas Dinner
  • Rana: Decorating Christmas cookies with the
  • ...
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KidShape Recipe - Breakfast Burrito - No Eggs Needed #familymeals #familywellness #healthyrecipe #hearthealth #mealplanning #plantbased #plantbasedeating #recipe Feb 17, 2023

Looking for alternatives to eggs? Want a new idea for a tasty and healthy breakfast? Check out this recipe from our KidShape Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Rana Parker.

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How can we manage STRESS? #anxiety #bodyandmind #familywellness #mentalhealth #stressmanagement Oct 18, 2022

Yes, stress and anxiety are a normal part of life. Stress can happen because of many different reasons, such as a big change or uncertainty. It is a physical and mental response or...

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How to Get Kids Walking This Summer #activefamily #familywellness #healthgoals #healthyhabits #healthyholidays Jun 17, 2022

Want to get your kids walking this summer?

Take a tip from biomechanist and parent, Katy Bowman, who says that family walks are much more successful when there’s a purpose involve...

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How to succeed with your family health goals this year! #familywellness #healthgoals #kidshealthyeatinghabits Jan 01, 2022

t’s the beginning of a new year, a time when you see delicious-sounding meal plans that promise to overhaul your family’s eating habits. So, you take that fabulous meal plan and dr...

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Take Time for Family Mental health #familywellness #grateful #gratitude #healthyholidays #mentalhealth Dec 01, 2021

It is hard to believe we are entering December. This time of year can become overwhelming with all of the celebrations and school activities but it is important to make time for ou...

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Got Water? Healthy Ideas to Stay Hydrated this Summer #familywellness #healthgoals #healthydrinks #kidshealthyeatinghabits #rethinkyourdrink Jun 01, 2021

As the weather gets warmer, staying hydrated and drinking enough fluids becomes more important than ever. Once we notice that we are thirsty, we may already be dehydrated. But how ...

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What's SLEEP got to do with it? #familywellness #healthgoals #healthyhabits #healthysleep Mar 01, 2021

When we don’t get enough sleep - that's less than 9 to 11 hours for kids, 8 to 10 hours for teens - a lot of things can happen to our mind and body. And these things can affect wha...

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