Healthy Habits Bingo

Wellness Tools & Resources

Your reference site for when you want to get ideas for some fun family cooking, or you want to introduce new healthy habits into your family's life.

Healthy Pumpkin Protein Bite Recipe #healthyeating #healthyhabits #healthyrecipe Oct 07, 2023

It’s that time of year – costumes, candy, and pumpkin-flavored everything. For kids, this is an exciting time of year!

And yet for those kids and adults trying to eat healthy, it’...

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KidShape Recipes - Make Your Own Soda & Sports Drinks #healthydrinks #healthyhabits #kidsnutrition #recipe #rethinkyourdrink Mar 16, 2023

Soda and sports drinks are filled with sugar. Here are two recipes to make a healthier version of soda and sports drinks that your kids will love.   

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Is it healthy for kids to eat plant-based, vegetarian or vegan? #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyhabits #mealplanning #plantbased #plantbasedeating #plantforward Jan 30, 2023

Children can be healthy and obtain all the nutrients necessary for growth when limiting or completely avoiding animal products. 

A note about the differences: 

  • 100% whole food ...
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How To Cut The Screen Time #familytime #healthyhabits #screentime Nov 30, 2022

The amount of time that kids spend in front of a screen is a big factor in their mental health. In fact, according to research, it appears to be an even more important factor than ...

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Can Food Make Your Family Sick? #eatinghabits #foodsafety #healthgoals #healthyhabits #kidshealthyeatinghabits #kidsnutrition Sep 28, 2022

by Shannon Martin MPH, RDN 


Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea... it's a catchy tune for a commercial, but when symp...

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Healthy, Delicious Snacks on the Run #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyhabits #healthyrecipe #kidshealthyeatinghabits #kidsnutrition #mealplanning #recipe Aug 21, 2022

by Shannon Martin MPH, RDN 

We’re all excited for our kids to go back to school, and that means everyone is busy. So it’s easy to just fall back on snacks like chips and cookies a...

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Let’s Talk about the Clean Plate Club #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyhabits #mealplanning Jul 21, 2022

by Shannon Martin MPH, RDN

So many adults that we meet belong to the "Clean Plate" club. Are you a member?  The Clean Plate stems from well-meaning parents who taught you to finis...

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How to Get Kids Walking This Summer #activefamily #familywellness #healthgoals #healthyhabits #healthyholidays Jun 17, 2022

Want to get your kids walking this summer?

Take a tip from biomechanist and parent, Katy Bowman, who says that family walks are much more successful when there’s a purpose involve...

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What's SLEEP got to do with it? #familywellness #healthgoals #healthyhabits #healthysleep Mar 01, 2021

When we don’t get enough sleep - that's less than 9 to 11 hours for kids, 8 to 10 hours for teens - a lot of things can happen to our mind and body. And these things can affect wha...

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