Healthy Habits Bingo

Wellness Tools & Resources

Your reference site for when you want to get ideas for some fun family cooking, or you want to introduce new healthy habits into your family's life.

KidShape Recipe - Breakfast Burrito - No Eggs Needed #familymeals #familywellness #healthyrecipe #hearthealth #mealplanning #plantbased #plantbasedeating #recipe Feb 17, 2023

Looking for alternatives to eggs? Want a new idea for a tasty and healthy breakfast? Check out this recipe from our KidShape Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Rana Parker.

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Is it healthy for kids to eat plant-based, vegetarian or vegan? #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyhabits #mealplanning #plantbased #plantbasedeating #plantforward Jan 30, 2023

Children can be healthy and obtain all the nutrients necessary for growth when limiting or completely avoiding animal products. 

A note about the differences: 

  • 100% whole food ...
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Healthy, Delicious Snacks on the Run #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyhabits #healthyrecipe #kidshealthyeatinghabits #kidsnutrition #mealplanning #recipe Aug 21, 2022

by Shannon Martin MPH, RDN 

We’re all excited for our kids to go back to school, and that means everyone is busy. So it’s easy to just fall back on snacks like chips and cookies a...

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Let’s Talk about the Clean Plate Club #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyhabits #mealplanning Jul 21, 2022

by Shannon Martin MPH, RDN

So many adults that we meet belong to the "Clean Plate" club. Are you a member?  The Clean Plate stems from well-meaning parents who taught you to finis...

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