Healthy Habits Bingo

Wellness Tools & Resources

Your reference site for when you want to get ideas for some fun family cooking, or you want to introduce new healthy habits into your family's life.

Egg-cellent Substitutes for Eggs #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyrecipe #kidshealthyeatinghabits #kidsnutrition #plantbased #plantbasedeating #plantforward #recipe Feb 22, 2023

Eggs are truly unique: in recipes, they serve critical functions like binding ingredients together. Beyond recipes, many families rely on eggs as an essential menu item. 

So, what...

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Is it healthy for kids to eat plant-based, vegetarian or vegan? #eatinghabits #healthyeating #healthyhabits #mealplanning #plantbased #plantbasedeating #plantforward Jan 30, 2023

Children can be healthy and obtain all the nutrients necessary for growth when limiting or completely avoiding animal products. 

A note about the differences: 

  • 100% whole food ...
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KidShape Recipe - Lettuce Wraps #healthyeating #healthyrecipe #kidshealthyeatinghabits #kidsnutrition #plantbased #plantbasedeating #plantforward #recipe Jan 20, 2023

We're all in for healthy meals this 2023, so here's an easy-to-prepare vegetarian lettuce wraps recipe you can try at home!  Your whole family will love this recipe.   

Prep time:...

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KidShape Recipe - Black-Eyed Peas #healthyholidays #kidshealthyeatinghabits #kidsnutrition #plantbasedeating #plantforward #recipe Dec 31, 2022

Want extra luck this New Year? 

As we enter a new year, KidShape invites you to start with a healthy meal. Packed with flavor, this healthy meal will surely make everyone feel a l...

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KidShape Recipe - Buddha Bowl #healthyeating #healthyrecipe #kidsnutrition #plantbasedeating #plantforward May 01, 2022

What is a Buddha Bowl? 

It is a one-dish meal consisting of rice or other whole grain, vegetables, a plant protein, and dressing.

This is a great meal that each family member can...

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